
Fractal Weather Forecast - How it works


How it works...

Our approach to a weather forecast is based mainly on the Sun and the Moon, creating resonance patterns within the athmosphere of Earth. The principle is very similar to the well known Chladni Plates (named after the German physicist Ernst Chladni).

Just like the Sun and the Moon create the tides of the oceans (New Moon / Full Moon), they are also a key factor to influences upon the athmosphere of Earth. The athmosphere however is affected in a complex pattern of embedded harmonics, created by resonance. In other words, highly non-linear gravitational (centrifugal) forces.

Chladni Plate from the book Cymatics (Hans Jenny) - a click to the image opens the full sized image.

A very similar resonance pattern in our athmosphere is visible as clouds, pressure zones, and currents of warm and cold air - this is our weather.

Upper Air Analysis Map of northern hemisphere (Canada) - a click to the image opens the full sized image.

Benoit Mandelbrot, the founder of Fractal Geometry, discovered self-similarity (in cycles of a day, month, year <=> Earth, Moon, Sun) within the time series data of the crop markets. The crop market, however is directly linked to weather.

There remains one aspect making this research into meteorology appear somewhat smelly to established science - basically what we are applying to the computer is known as Astrology (or Astro-Meteorology)...

Online since 2010-06-21

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