
Self-similarity and geometry of fractals


Basis of the long-term weather forecast is a more comprehensive view of our universe:

  • The well known theory of deterministic chaos was extended by most recent coherences, and leads to a new view of our universe, where the laws of self-similarity can be applied.
  • The universe is considered as an energy stream, which builds structures that become iteratively more complex. Those structures are not as chaotic as assumed up to now, but build self-similar structures in time.
  • To use this in a practical application, it is now possible to build relationships in this hierarchie of structures. Thus natural events like the weather can be calculated (mapped).

The milky way

Our galaxy shows the characteristics of a circular stream (whirl). It seems obvious to apply the laws of self-similarity.


Fractals like this, are a close up from a representation of the quantity of complex numbers, and show the same structur like our milky way, a snail shell or a hurricane.


A hurricane like this category 5 hurricane from 1998 with wind speeds of 150 knots are said to be unpredictable and chaotic. However, if a hurricane is considered as a part of an iterative stream, geometry of fractals will allow precise forecasts.
Hurricane Georges, September 1998

This short introduction to this very complex subject, can't give a comprehensive insight. However, the potential of this new field of physics, can already be figured.

(Georg Fleischmann, August 1999)

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